Verma Driving School

Driving school in Guelph, ON, Canada

Contact the Verma Driving School:
206-33 Macdonell Street, Guelph, N1H 2H4 Canada
Phone: 1-866-275-0573
3.9 out of 5 based on 61 votes

About the Verma Driving School:

Verma Driving School (Safe Driver Training School) is MTO approved course provider driver training school. We offer exceptional driver training programs for beginner drivers. Our courses ensure that new drivers develop good scanning habits while driving as well as a positive attitude for sharing the roads. Learner Proactive courses features a combination of theory and practical training conducted in a dual controlled car supervised by a professional and fully qualified Driver Instructor. Our all school cars are fully insured for commercial use and all in-car as well as in-class instructors goes through a police clearance background check before start teaching students.

Our Beginner Driver Education (BDE) Graduates are eligible for their 1st diving road test in 8 months than 1 year without our BDE course.

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