About the SHIFT Defensive Driving School:
General Info

We teach defensive driving to our students, to help keep their & others' trip safe. By practicing defensive driving skills, we will educate & help to avoid and reduce the number of collisions.
We are committed to help prevent collisions by following all defensive driving & safety rules.
Serves Vancouver, Burnaby, New Westminster.
Did You Know?
The majority of collisions are preventable; caused in large part by driver error.
A safe driver is not merely someone who hasn't gotten a traffic ticket or been in a collision.
A safe driver drives defensively, knows what is going on around them and looks out for others.
A safe driver never assumes that the other driver is going to drive safely or obey the rules of the road.
Skill, patience and being alert are elements of defensive driving that help avoid a potential crash.
Visit www.shiftdrivingschool.com for more information.