About the Globe Driving Academy:
Globe Driving Academy is a Ministry Approved Beginner Driver Education Course provider which is recognized by the Insurance industry. We are located in Corso Italia Near downtown Toronto (St. Clair Ave West & Dufferin intersection).
The SILVER PACKAGE (price $299 (Winter Promotions) + tax+ MTO fee) consists of 20 hours in class, 10 hours in car with professional instructors, 10 hours home-link. After course complation you will get certificate from Ministry of Transportation which you can pick up at any Service Ontario Canada location.
The GOLD PACKAGE (price $399+ tax+ MTO fee) consist of 20 hours in class education, 11 hours in-car, 10 hours home link and using of Instructor’s car for the road test.
The PLATINUM PACKAGE (price $499+ tax+ MTO fee) will give you 20 hours in class, 15 hours in car, 10 hours home link. You will also use Instructor’s car for the road test.
In-Car PRIVATE LESSON PACKAGE (price $30) will give you I hour lesson in vehicle with Instructor, and helpful road test tips to prepare you for your test, or just to refresh your knowledge
In-Car Value PACKAGE (price $ 229) provides you with five hours with an Instructor, road test tips, and free road test.
In-Car SUPER PACKAGE (price $329). This package includes 9 hours lesson In-car, free road test booking, and all the tips you need to pass your road test.
Visit www.globedriving.ca for more information.